Kevin Lemke

As part of our Management Development Program we hold a Lunch and Learn session monthly. Normally we have a presentation by one of the Leadership Team and a group discussion on the topic. As a change of pace I asked Nico if he could lead a discussion on how teams create high levels of commitment. The virtual workshop Nico led was a great success. He is very engaging on-screen, maintains a good pace and really targeted the presentation to be relevant to our business. The value of the session was obvious during the interactive discussions, where almost everyone on line actively participated in the dialogue. The post session feedback was unanimously positive with several people noting they appreciated having someone other than their day to day leaders provide fresh perspectives. The virtual format turned out to work quite well. The presentation was not far different from in person and I particularly appreciated that Nico had everyone identify a specific commitment they would make based on the discussions that day. Capturing the commitments in the chat feature has given us a record we are using to make changes to the business.